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First Thoughts on The Flaws of the 1946 Documentary

I think the key problem with this movie, is not so much that it’s pushing lies, but that it misleads by omitting too much truth.

Yes it’s true that prior to last century, English translations of the Bible, didn’t used to contain the word ‘homosexual’. But the movie would have been more balanced if it noted that the word ‘homosexual’ didn’t exist in English until 2 centuries ago.

Yes it’s true that Ezekiel 16:49 lists sins of Sodom. But that verse is only part of the list. By omitting verse 50, the movie misleads the viewer.

Yes it’s true that different English translations of the Bible, provide differing translations of the Greek word arsenokoites. But the movie omits various important points in relation to what the term means, as detailed here:

The movie claims that their researchers found that the most popular English translations of the Bible, are flawed because they drew from the flawed RSV as their basis for verses relating to homosexuality. But the movie offers no interviews from the authors of those translations, to provide the viewers with a perspective “from the horses mouth”.

Insights from others –

I see a whole book has been written by someone critical of the movie;

Dr James White says here that the creators of the movie refuse to debate him. Dr Robert Gagnon has said likewise.

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